Validators can choose to run their systems in the cloud or in a dedicated data center. It needs to be pointed out that if running your validators in the cloud you are risking exposure of your private keys.
There is a spectrum of different choices that can be made in the name of security. The most secure is a complex arrangement where the validator sits in a data center with some sort of KMS hardware key management system and has one or more sentries sitting in the cloud, with an elaborate setup of private VPN’s and firewalls.
Bluzelle requires validators to have both a validator node and sentry node.
Validator Node
Sentry Node
I3EN Large
2 vCPU’s
25 Gigabit Network Connection
1 TB Storage
M5AD Extra Large
4 vCPU’s
10 Gigabit Network Connection
125 GB Storage
How to become a Bluzelle validator